
Stewartia monadelpha

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Stewartia monadelpha - Tall Stewartia, Orangebark Stewartia
Common name: Tall Stewartia, Orangebark Stewartia
Family: Theaceae
Distribution: Japan
IUCN Red list: Least concern
Hardiness: Zone 6b -5 to 0 F
Life form: Deciduous tree
Usage: Ornamental flowering tree
Comments: Orangebark stewartia is an outstanding tree for year-round interest. Its delicate, white, saucer-shaped flowers dot the branches in June and early July. The dark green foliage becomes a brilliant mix of rich red-orange and fire engine red in the fall. As the leaves drop, they reveal the beautiful cinnamon brown bark of the trunk and branches. No serious insect or disease problems are common to this tree. This tree will work well in small yards. The bark is shown to perfection with a backdrop of evergreens.
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