
Betula aff albosinensis var. septentrionalis

Betula aff albosinensis var. septentrionalis - Chinese red birch
Common name: Chinese red birch
Family: Betulaceae
Distribution: central and western China
IUCN Red list: Not evaluated
Hardiness: Zone 5b -15 to -10 F
Life form: Deciduous tree
Usage: Ornamental shade tree
Comments: Chinese red birch is one of the most exquisite birches in cultivation. Grown for its fabulous peeling trunks, mature trees will shed large sheets of pinkish beige paper-like bark with a white-waxy bloom revealing smooth patches of chestnut brown. This is particularly spectacular when backlit by the setting sun. Although its roots are shallow they do not compete with the other plants under its canopy.
This birch grows best in full sun to light shade and can adapt to a wide variety of soils, from well-drained to wet locations. It will also tolerate sandy sites or clay soils. Once established it is drought tolerant.
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