
Abies koreana

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Abies koreana - Korean Fir
Common name: Korean Fir
Family: Pinaceae
Distribution: Korea
Habitat: South Korea, altitudes of 1,000-1,900 m, temperate rain forest with high rainfall, heavy winter snowfall
IUCN Red list: Endangered
Black list: Unknown risk alien
Hardiness: Zone 5a -20 to -15 F
Life form: Broadleaf evergreen tree
Comments: The Korean Fir (Abies koreana) occurs in four fragmented locations; Mt. Gaya, Mt. Chiri and Mt. Togyu on the mainland and Mt. Halla on the remote Jeju Island. The distances between each location range from 40–250 km and are likely to be too great to allow for effective gene flow.
A small tree to 50ft at most there are many cultivars on the market due to striking purple cones and attractive needle arrangement.
Needles blunt, wider at tip 1/2 to 3/4 inch long, green above prominent stomatal bands below. needles spirally arranged though a twist in the needle base means all needles appear to occur above the branch, densely congregated.
There are many cultivars, look for 'Silberlocke' close by on fir trail.
Links: Gymnosperm Data BaseThe Plant list, working list of global plant species


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