
Catalpa ovata

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Catalpa ovata - Chinese catalpa
Common name: Chinese catalpa
Family: Bignoniaceae
Distribution: China
Habitat: Mixed deciduous and evgreen forests of western China
IUCN Red list: Least concern
Hardiness: Zone 4b -25 to -20 F
Life form: Deciduous tree
Usage: Ornamental
Comments: Chinese catalpa is a medium sized deciduous tree that typically grows to 30’ tall and as wide with a spreading crown. It is native to forested areas in western China. Broad-ovate, light green leaves to 10” long and wide are usually entire but sometimes 3-5 lobed. Leaves abruptly taper to points at the tips and are mostly cordate at the bases. Leaves are glabrous except for downy leaf veins beneath. Foliage turns an undistinguished yellow in fall. Flowers are attractive, but not as showy as C. bignoniodes (southern catalpa) and C. speciosa (northern catalpa). Bell-shaped, orchid-like, yellowish-white flowers each to 3/4” long with purple and orange inner spotting appear in panicles to 10” long in late spring. Flowers give way to long, slender, green seedpods to 16” long and 1/3” wide. The seedpods mature in fall to dark brown and then split open lengthwise to release the seeds within. Bark of mature trees is fissured, prominently ridged and pale gray-brown. Best grown in average, medium to wet, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Tolerant of a wide range of soil conditions including both wet and dry soils. Tolerant of seasonal flooding. Prefers moist fertile loams.
Links: Missiouri Botanical Garden - Catalpa ovata


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