
Davidia involucrata

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Davidia involucrata - Dove Tree
Common name: Dove Tree
Family: Cornaceae
Distribution: China
Habitat: Forest, woodlands
IUCN Red list: Not evaluated
Hardiness: Zone 6b -5 to 0 F
Life form: Deciduous tree
Usage: Ornamental shade tree
Comments: Dove tree is a medium sized, deciduous tree, native to woodlands in southwestern China, to 20-40’ tall with a broad pyramidal habit. In late May and early June, it is draped with 7-inch-long white bracts that enclose its smaller flowers. The bracts flutter in the slightest breeze, and, from a distance, purportedly look like white doves sitting in the tree, hence the common name. Variable fall color ranges from undistinguished dull pastels to bright oranges and reds. Dove tree's cinnamon-colored bark provides winter interest.
Best grown in well-drained soils, but will tolerate sandy or clay soil with adequate drainage.
Links: Great Plant PicksDove tree information on WikipediaFlora of China on Line


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